donderdag 22 mei 2014

Lezen is goed voor kinderen, de ayatollah zegt het ook

Ik ga het verder niet over Iran hebben hoor.

Maar, op de Facebook pagina van Ayatollah Khamenei stond wat dagen terug de afbeelding hierboven met nog wat tekst.

Die kopieer en plak ik even hieronder. Ter informatie.

I would like to say that at my own home, everyone- with no exception- falls asleep at nights while reading. So do I. Not that I fall asleep while I am reading; I read until I feel sleepy, then I put the book away and go to sleep. All my family members have a book next to them when they want to go to bed. I believe every Iranian family should be like this. This is what I expect. Parents should make their children familiar with and interested in books. Even young children should learn to love books. Buying books should be considered a main part of family expenses. People should prioritize buying books over buying some decorative and luxurious stuff like these chandeliers, different sorts of tables, different furniture, curtains, etc. First, they should buy books on a par with bread, food and necessary stuff for living; and once this is provided, they can spend money on less necessary items. In short, they should become interested in books. Otherwise, the Iranian society will not achieve the goals and desires it deserves. 05/16/1995

Al zal het niet misschien niet de bedoeling van de ayatollah zijn geweest om de tekst van "Happy" te lezen en uit je hoofd te leren zodat je er vervolgens video van kunt maken


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